Friday 7 March 2008

I guess it's about time to post some of my paintings here. I've been painting for quite a while and had one exhibition in the OAMI and want to have more, like in the centro 14 or other places over here in Alicante. If anybody has some tips, please tell me

Sunday 2 March 2008



Allright, I will try to plant 2 avocados tomorrow. I put them into water today so they will be ready for tomorrow. Aparently it is possible to grow them outside here in Spain, so I will keep them on the balcony.

Now playing: Benjamin Biolay - Little darlin'
via FoxyTunes


Twisted ankle and broken sleep

Last night I didn't feel too much like dancing, so I left Zsófi and our friend Kati at about half past one in La Noche and went to sleep, happy that Zsófi was having a good time. At about half past four the house phone rang and I was really afraid that something happened to Zsófi. It was her on the phone, telling me that Kati had an accident and that we had to bring her to the hospital. They were at Stereo, which is a 5 minutes walk from our place and as I just woke up, went there without a car. When I finally found them, poor Kati all in tears, I had to run to the garage, get the car, drive through the crowds loitering around Stereo and then get the girls to the hospital.


We went to Vistahermosa. It's a private hospital, but we don't know any other one really. Allthough Kati obviously was in pain, they first took all her data, but all in all I think they helped her pretty quickly. It probably helped that there wasn't anybody else in the emergency room. After Zsói payed for Kati, we brought her home to San Juan Playa, and I carryed her to her lift on my arms because it just was easyer.


Zsófi told her that they did a Voodoo before, in which Kati wouldn't go home alone that night...well she didn't. It probably wasn't the way she expected, but the Voodoo worked.
As for Zsófi and me, we fell asleep as soon as we touched the bed at almost 7 o'clock in the morning. In a way it was ok that we went to bed so late, because they planned to cut the electricity in our street that same morning. we just overslept it. Best problem solution.

Now playing: The Hives - two-timing touch and broken bones
via FoxyTunes

Saturday 1 March 2008


Hi All
Well, I decided to create a blog. That way I can go on ranting without annoying anyone. I will rant about my life in Spain, my girlfriend, Zsófi, my job, my language classes, politics and art and many other things.

As an introduction: 2 and a half years ago, the movie business in Luxembourg did very badly. Bad news for me because I used to work as a costume assistant back then. At about the same time I met my girlfriend, Zsófi, who is from Hungary, on a barbecue party. We hated eachother right away, but I got along very well with some of her friends. Eventually we hoked up. After some months she told me that she got accepted for a job in an EU office in Alicante in Spain. That was great news as I had nothing to loose in Luxembourg...well, except for friends and family...


Anyway, off we went, after the best farewell party ever thrown by our friends. It was an 80's party and we arrived in Alicante, still a bit drunk, in our 80's outfit, in July with 30°C
Anyway, we've come a long way since then. We learned spanish, made friends and I found some kind of job as a french, german and english teacher. It pays relly badly but at least I'm busy. As I am not satisfied with this situation, I am working on a secret project with some friends in the same situation to create oureselves a great job.

All right, let's say this is it for now. The next posts will be about more recent things. Ciao

Now playing: The Chemical Brothers - Pioneer Skies
via FoxyTunes